Sinead-O'connor on topic

Sinéad O'Connor

Shuhada' Sadaqat was an Irish singer, songwriter, and activist. Her debut studio album, The Lion and the Cobra, was released in 1987 and achieved international chart success. Her 1990 album, I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got, was her biggest commercial success, selling over seven million copies worldwide. Its lead single, "Nothing Compares 2 U", was honoured as the top world single of the year at the Billboard Music Awards. O'Connor achieved chart success with Am I Not Your Girl? and Universal Mother, both certified gold in the UK, as well as Faith and Courage, certified gold in Australia. Throw Down Your Arms achieved gold status in Ireland. Her career encompassed songs for films, collaborations with numerous artists, and appearances at charity fundraising concerts. O'Connor's memoir, Rememberings, was released in 2021 and became a bestseller. O'Connor drew attention to issues such as child abuse, human rights, racism, and women's rights.

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Irish Muslims
Irish former Christians
Irish pacifists
Converts to Sunni Islam from Catholicism
Irish rock guitarists
Burials at Deans Grange Cemetery
LGBT Christian clergy
Irish rock singers
Irish Christian clergy
Irish Sunnis
Irish-language singers
Bisexual feminists
Irish pop singers
People with borderline personality disorder
20th-century Christian clergy
Irish emigrants to the United Kingdom
Chrysalis Records artists
Musicians from Dublin (city)
Alternative rock guitarists
Alternative rock singers
Critics of the Catholic Church
Brit Award winners
People with bipolar disorder
Feminist musicians
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