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For those of you that don't have enough Michael Rapaport in your life, for some reasons, there are 208 episodes of him talking. #michaelrapaport #iamrapaport #thisismynightmare

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posted by alias bluesummersparrow on Sunday 25th of September 2016 03:28:37 AM

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Michael Rapaport

Michael David Rapaport is an American actor and comedian. Beginning his career in the early 1990s, he has made over 100 appearances in film and television. His film roles include Zebrahead, True Romance, Higher Learning, Metro, Cop Land, Deep Blue Sea, The 6th Day, Dr. Dolittle 2, Big Fan, and The Heat. On television, he headlined the Fox sitcom The War at Home and was a series regular on the Fox drama Boston Public, the fourth season of the Fox serial drama Prison Break, and the Netflix comedy drama Atypical. Rapaport held recurring roles on the NBC sitcoms Friends and My Name Is Earl and the FX Western Justified. Outside of his acting career, Rapaport directed the 2011 documentary Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels of A Tribe Called Quest about the hip hop group A Tribe Called Quest. Active on several podcasts, he is the host of the I Am Rapaport Stereo Podcast.

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Jewish male comedians
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