Liam-Gallagher on topic

Liam Gallagher

William John Paul Gallagher is an English singer and songwriter who achieved fame as the lead vocalist of the rock band Oasis from 1991 to 2009. He later fronted the rock band Beady Eye from 2009 to 2014, before starting a successful solo career in 2017. Oasis had various line-up changes; Gallagher and his elder brother Noel were the only constant members. One of the most recognisable figures in British rock music, Gallagher is noted for his distinctive vocal style and outspoken personality. Gallagher was interested in joining a band called the Rain. After mutual agreement, the band underwent a name change to Oasis, and Noel was initially approached to be their manager. He was subsequently extended an invitation to join the band as their lead guitarist, which he accepted. The band's debut album, Definitely Maybe, was a critical and commercial success during the emergence of Britpop.

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Liam Gallagher discography - The discography of Liam Gallagher, an English singer from Manchester, consists of four studio albums, three live albums, one videos, two extended plays and twenty-two singles. All three of Gallagher's studio albums have reached number 1 on the UK Album Charts.
Oasis (band) members
Beady Eye members
Tambourine players
Britpop musicians
Labour Party (UK) people
English rock singers
21st-century drummers
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