Home > Chelsea-Boots


Man cave - My corner of the mess #004

(PID:26467037439) Source
posted by Victor Miguel alias Victor Miguel - BROKEN ARROWS on Tuesday 7th of November 2017 04:37:15 PM

Hair: Stealthic - Haunting (Blondes) T-shirt: Basic T-Shirt M2_Dj Pants: Legal Insanity - Kanye old ripped jeans Shoes: [Deadwool] 19. Chelsea boots - dark brown Accessory: ..::THOR::.. Beer Bottle (wear) II - (..::THOR::.. Wood Beer Box [T]) Body: [SIGNATURE] Gianni - Mesh Body - v4.3 (BOX) / Skin: Stray Dog - Gianni Skin - TONE 02 Head: CATWA HEAD Daniel 3.0 / Skin: STRAY DOG - LEWIS - TONE 02 DECORATION DETAILS: HERE MORE DETAILS / TP: BLOG Very special thanks Kimi Osawa! <3

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Chelsea-Boots on topic

Chelsea boot

Chelsea boots are close-fitting, ankle-high boots with elastic side panels. They often have a loop or tab of fabric on the back of the boot, enabling the boot to be pulled on. The boot dates back to the Victorian era, when it was worn by both men and women. Chelsea boots and some of their variants were considered an iconic fashion element of the '60s in Britain, particularly in the mod scene.

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  • Published 04.16.24
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